Friday 9 September 2011

ko samui (11th)

Woke up at about 11, went for a swim, had a shower then went exploring.
went to see an 80m waterfall. At first I went to the wrong one. I saw a sign for a waterfall ands went down that road for a few minutes. I saw a carpark and assumed that was it was the right place.I paid a 20 bhat entry fee and walked down the signed path. It then turned into a climb for about 20 minutes. I got to the waterfall and it was pathetic. At the time i thought it might be further up the hill but I didnt feel lkike making the effort.I climbed back down and went to another waterfall a little farther down the road, it also costed 20 bhat. It was much better, but nothing to shout about.Later down a different road I found another waterfall next to a animal park. This was what i wanted. It wasnt a vertical drop like I expected but it was good enough. It was free entry and only a 15 minute walk to the waterfall. They Knew how to make money though.According to the staff at the entrance The 15 minute walk was actualy a 40 minute walk and they recomended I take a jeep for the price of 300 Bhat. The walk was fairly short and you could see that the rout the jeeps were taking was a senic rout and went much further than needed to get to the waterfall.
Then i went to the tescos food court and had some rice and fried duck (If you could get food like this in english tescos it would be Boss.Also got some Dunkin' doughnuts.
Went to the "big Buddah" It looked fairly stupid but it was interesting. I also bought a tile for the roof of a new building near the monastery for 50 bhat. The monk running the stall gave me a couple of Braclet things "for free" which he said would give me good luck. I wonder how long 50 Bhat worth of luck lasts.

1 comment:

  1. 50 baht to the monk gets you closer to enlightenment. The closer you get the better options you have in the next life..... i.e.... you don't come back as a cockroach!!
