Monday 12 September 2011

2 day/1 night trekk in chian mai

The treck was 1200 bhat for 2 days and 1 night, but I asked a few others in the group and they all payed different amounts (900-1300) so it is up to the broaker.
It started with an orchid farm that was pretty awfull. If your into flowers it might have been interesting, but it was small area with only a small selection. Next we were taken to a "long neck tribe village", It was the definition of fake. The "village" was a row of market stalls selling various tat, and the long neck tribe had very avarege length knecks. They even had a set of rings for tourists to try on, it was the same length as the ones the "tribe" was wearing.The adults were shouting at you to look at their stall while the kids in the corner looked bored to death.I bet they take the "neck stretchers" off at the end of the day.
The "treck" started after a lunch break (cold fried rice), we walked up a hill to a bat cave which was ok, It was small, but interesting enough for the 10 minutes we stayed there. We walked back down the hill then walked for about 3 hours through forest and rice fields, the scenery was quite good. At one point nearly all the vegitaton was bamboo.I would have taken a few photos, but my camera battery died. Pro tip: If you think you might need to charge and you have the oportunity to charge DO IT!
Then we arived in a "hill village", it wasnt a village, but there were people living there (even if it was just because they earnt money from the visiting "trekers") It was still interesting though. There were dogs and chickins running about everywhere and even a few small childeren who were genuinley happy to meet us.In our group there were 5 koreans, 2 italians and an american. Most of the group drank whisky and tried to play guitar infront of a fire untill late. The adults from the village mostly kept to themselves. (I expect they get people staying there every night so cant blame them)but one of the kids was keen to join in with us and even sang us some songs, the tour guide said that she learnt them at school. One was about learning maths and another was about her pets. They werent much longer than 60 seconds and she forgot the words to one half way through, but it was entertaining.
The 2nd day was for the activities. Firts thing in the morning we "washed" elephants and sat on them as they walked through the river. Later we did bamboo rafting, zip lining, swimming under a waterfall and white water rafting. The "treck" started badly, but overall it was very good, especialy for the price. To be honest the white water rafting on its own was worth the 24 quid by european standards.

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