Friday 9 September 2011

ko samui (10th)

Banks suck balls. Stupid bank just told me My card could not speak to the bank. For a while I thought I might need to sell a lens to get a ticket back to bangkok, but a couple of hours later it fixed itself.Went to Mae nam after I maneged to get some cash out. walked along the beach a little past some very posh looking Bungalows. I heard that you could get one somewhere for about 500 bhat so kept walking.eventualy i found a place with bungalows about 50 meters from the sea for 600 bhat. Its the most I have paid for accomodation so far, but the location is good and its nothing compared to european prices.Went for a swim and then waled up and down the street and down some rural backstreets for a couple of hours. I need to stop walking so much.

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