Sunday 9 October 2011

Strung Treng

Shortly before ariving in strung treng I heard some people mention that the town did not have an ATM, this worried me a little as I only had two US dollars in cash at this point.I had travelers cheques, but the banks were closed as It was a sunday. I didnt think about this before I left laos and if I did I would have needed to go back to pakse. I was happy to see thyat the town did infacthave one ATM right next to the only bank. I was also happy to find that my bank card worked in the ATM (I was having a big problem getting the card to work in laos) even if there was a 4 dollar charge at the ATM for foreign banks (Oh yeah, the ATM's dispence US dollars or the official cambodian currency).
The town had a fairly big central market simmilar to ones Ive seen before but it was still interesting enough to walk through. I stopped at a streetside food stand and bought some noodles after about five minutes of trying to ask for them. I tried to ask for noodles with chickin in english and what I think was thai (and probably laos too) but none of it seemed to work.I ended up with noodles and a mixture of different types of mea.. well bones. In thailand I have had noodles where they put bones in it, but normaly there is at least a little meat stuck to the bone, this time I think it was just pure bone and noodles. I'm not sure If this was normal or if they were just taking the piss. There were plenty of noodles, but I'm not sure if it was worth the dollar they asked for
The hotel I stayed in cost 8 dollars and was probably nicer than any room I have stayed in for any price In thailand or laos. I cant remember the name, but there were chinese symbols all over the front of the building, not that thats going to be helpfull.

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