Sunday 9 October 2011

ko samet

If anyone tells you navigating rock pools whilst holding a beer in one hand and selecting tunes on an ipod in the other hand in almost pitch black darkness is a good idea... theyre wrong.The third casualty to hit by water damage is the iPod. My foot sliped on a rock and i fell into a rockpool, it was only shallow so i didnt get that wet but i got a slight cut to my hand.As i fell I made a split second dessision, I had a beer in one hand and my ipod in the other, I needed one hand to break my fall and try to catch a rock before i hit my head so I made my choice.My gut instinct was to save the beer. About a second after i made my choice to save the beer i started to regret it. The ipod made a nice glow as the screen lit up the water from inside the rock pool, this lasted forabouth three seconds then the light went out. I hoped this was just because it was unlocked and i didnt press a button but after picking it up and checking it it was definatly dead.
On the island I walked down to the southern tip and back from the beach in the far north. It was about 7 kilometers each way so it was easy enough when you have time to do it. at the southern tip there were a load of cool towers made from rocks that must have been made by many different people. There was also a small stretch of rock on the east side just a little bit before you reach the southern point that was really cool.
The beaches in the far north were a little crowded but the beaches in the south were very nice. Theyre a little hard to get to and they mostly seem to be private but I went into a few of the resort beaches anyway on thebasis that at most they would ask me to leave or buy a drink. They were fairly empty and nobody gave a shit about me just claiming a deckchair for an hour while i went swimming.
The evenings went a little slow as i was all by myself. I found myself eating in one resteraunt, then getting a drink in another, then getting another drink in another resteraunt/bar just to get a change of scenery. I walked into one with a firedancer guy that was entertaining to watch.
i also tried wakeboarding which was fun. i only managed to stay above the water for about 40 seconds in a 20 minute session and my hands clawed up for a few hours after i had finished but i would do it again

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