The visa cost 31 dollars after lots of extra charges being added to the basic cost. For example It costs a dollar for them to stamp your pasport, two dollars for a photo if you dont have one (they scan your pasport), a two dollar charge if its a weekend (it was a sunday when I crossed over) and some other trivial crap that I cant remember. Technicaly I dont think theyre meant to add these extra charges but getting these charges removed would probably take more than a few minutes, when you have other people waiting in line behind you, you dont really feel like the hassle.
One other thing that I found amusing was that the same approach was given to a huge white guy that looked like he was from the Snatch/Lock stock and two smoking barells film. He casualy walked through the boarder with a suit, a briefcase, about 6 heavy duty gold rings on his fingers and a shaved head with very clear and fairly brutal scars all over his head.If I were trying to get an actor to play the role of a sketchy arms/drug/??? dealer in a film I would want them to look like this guy.
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