i got a boat across the river to hong kong island as this was where my accomadation was for the next night. i was in hong kong a day early because I was bored of hanoi and i hoped i could find a dorm bed somewhere. i got to the hostel that i had booked for the next day but they were full.apparently the celebration of hong kongs indipendence was either that day or the day after so seemingly everwhere was full. I asked in what looked like a high end hotel for a room out of curiosity and they did have a spare double room for 200 pounds but i passed. There were a few 24 hour MD's about so I went to sit in one of them and wright this. so I'm wrighting this now and its about 2am. I didnt sleep at all last night and barely got a chance to sleep the night before. I'm not going to be sleeping tonight either so when i do get a room tomorow i think i'm gona be gone for a good few hours.
I'm knackered just reading this!!!!!......get some ZZZZZZZZZ's