Tuesday 9 August 2011

Krabi: sleeping with the fishes (31 july)

HOLY shitballs, The krabi landscape is amazing! vertical cliffs with trees growing even in the overhangs. I already like it better than phuket.I journey'd into krabi on the bus from puket town for 120bhat (about £2.40) and got into krabi bus station. I met a young couple (21 and 23) on holiday backpacking for a month who were from the netherlands.they were spending a month in thailand and had already been to chaing mai, bangkok and puket within two weeks. anyway we both were hoping krabi was better than puket (and more spesificaly patong).we arived at the bus station and asuumed we wanted to go to krabi town. we got off and walked up and down to get our bearings.we then met a group of russian lads and asked them where the beach was, they said about 10 kilometers. we thought it was best to go to the beach rather than the town and split the cost of a taxi. It turns out the british arent the worst in the world at haggeling, mabie its the dutch. They were impresed by my haggeling skills and the art of walking away to get a better deal. I found it funny how they thought i was the experienced one of the three of us.They said that the best part of their trip so far was trecking near chiang mai.so i will try my best to have that opportunity too. we arived at the beach near reily (spelling?) and parted ways they wanted to find a hotel and i needed to respond to a text. I would have liked to stay with them a little longer but I had a feeling that Something had been aranged for me buy my dads friend andn his wife. youThe text was about a missed call from my dads, friends, wifes, cousins, daughter who lived in Krabi with her mum. I phoned the number and they basicaly came to pick me up to stay with them overnight. The girl is only 12 but speaks very good english and makes me feel very bad about my language skills(I can only speak a few sentences in french badly). Where they live is literaly in the back of a pet shop and the room i'm typing this message in is about 3 meters away from a fish tank about 2mx2m full of goldfish.They seem nice and booked me on a tour of some local islands (ko phi phi) for the local price rather than the tourist price (so almost half price).while we were talking in the evening (well mostly me and the girl, because her mum spoke very little english) the subject of religion was brought up. They were trying to introduce me to their buddist figures and monks and said "you are christian" in the form of a question, mainly to check the pronounciation and i replied "no". Possibly a bad idea as they looked shocked and puzzled. they asked what i was and i tried to explain that i was atheist in the briefest most religious sounding way possible.I hope it doesnt have any negative affects on the way they view me as I know religious politics is a very delicate topic.

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