Saturday 26 November 2011

Gubeikou (The great wall)

The graet wall, only without the tourists. I didnt want to spend all my time in beijing central and chose to spend a couple of nights in a small village near the wall.getting there was easy, but had the potential to be a real pain. When i got the bus from beijing there was a nice lady waiting at the bus station to ask where I was going and help me get there.She showed me to the bus i needed to take (It was easy to find yourself) and then informed me that the next bus I needed to get to Goubekou had been stopped and I needed to take a taxi. About two thirds through the bus jourmney A guy came onto the bus at a bus station and called at me to get off and take a taxi.I stayed on the bus as The hostel instructed me to stay on the bus till the end of the line. When i got to the end there were another bunch of taxi drivers telling me ther is no bus 25 and i needed a taxi. I got on the bus 25 about 7 minutes later.
Near Gubeikou Is a small village that has one hostel that is run buy a chinese woman. The village is like a very old village (small streets and old buildings) mixed with a very modern village (there were solar pannels and half built houses) in an old style. Its sometimes hard to tell which are the old buildings and which are new. There were apparently three small resteraunts in the village along the main street, but I couldnt find any of them as they looked like the houses. I was told by one canadian girl that was there that you just have to walk into what looks like someones house and hope for the best. I gave up looking for them and crossed over into Gubeikou main town (which was still just small old buildings) and found a more obvious resteraunt.It took about 10 minutes using a translator on the computer to get some food. The translator was confusing and all the translations made very little sence. eventualy it translated something into "Pork omlet" I didnt really want a pork omlet If I were given a choice but I would take any food they would give me. so i nodded my head and they gave me that.I climbed the Great wall on both sides of the village and only found one group of chinese kids (and what i think what was their fat friend trailing about 300 meters behind them) in many hours of walking. Everyone else was just local villagers spreading their seeds on the ground to dry them out.the views were good and the light at the end of the day also looked great on the bricks. It would have been great for some photos but my camera battery died after like 5 minutes in the morning so it wasnt possible to take any pics. I got a couple of souvaneer shots at the top of the Tiger wall.

The day afterwards A bunch of canadians and an english girl who happend to be staying at the same hostel as me in beijing turned up, I went with them to do the great wall again before going back to the city.

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