Upon ariving all I did was get lost in the subway, then when i got to the correct stop on the subway I got lost down small backstreets trying to find the Hostel.I didnt see much of anything that day. The second day I woke up late due to staying awake in an airport all night the day before, but I managed to get to the famous padestrian crossing. No pictures because I was tired of carrying a bag about, I willgo back at a later date as I have enough time here.
On the third (second full) day I went to the electric city. Its named for being THE main location to get computer parts and electronics. i only bought a PC mouse because my other one broke. But its not a tourist atraction for its computer hardware stores.The main draw of electric city is the masses and masses of comic book shops, figurine shops, videogame arcades and other things of that nature. The scale of it was insane and its the sort of thing that could only happen in japan. seeing hundereds of men in buisness suitsshopping for plastic figurines ranging from mech robots to girls in bikini tops is truely sureal. The Videogame arcades were huge, but mostly full of retro stuff and japanise language games that made little sence looking at them. some of the stuff was realy cool though like huge capsules for Mech suit games with over 180 degree screensand a chair and levers. It was tough to get a photo as the security were on you in seconds and asked you to delete any photos you had taken inside the building (and looked over your shoulder to see that you were deleting them).
I'm not that keen on japanese food. I dont like sushi, and it seems to be part of almost every meal (you can get sushi at McDonalds). Even in the 711's they have rows and rows of Bento boxes. The one thing that I'm dissapointed about is the lack of conveyor belt sushi resteraunts. There are sushi resteraunts every 20 meters, but the sushi isnt moving in a clockwise direction. I will need to look harder as they must be here somewhere.