Monday 15 April 2013

Bloc party

After debating whether to see them in Singapore or Bangkok I eventually settled on Bangkok as the Singapore Tickets at the door were approaching £80. Bangkok they were only about £40. In the end this didn't matter as the security let us in for free half way through the Singapore show anyway. It was the Icing on the cake for my Singapore trip. (It was an open air show in a park and I was nearby just listening to them and doing a few doodles)

As I bought The Bangkok ticket before I went to Singapore I Ended up at that show too. I also ended up on the floor rolling around In a drunken mess making a complete twat of myself :) It was still fun though and its not like its the first time its happened.

My fave pic of the night (me drunk as f*** on the floor) was accidentally deleted from my phone because technology sucks, so the image of the wrist band will need to suffice. 

Edit: nope, found the pics

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